Ordinary Academicians

Ordinary Academicians

Kokunre A. Agbontaen-Eghafona

Date of birth 01 October 1959

Place London, United Kingdom (Europe)

Nomination 26 May 2020

Field Sociology and Anthropology

Helen Alford, OP

Date of birth 01 May 1964

Place London, United Kingdom (Europe)

Nomination 11 August 2020 (Appointed PASS President on 1 April 2023)

Field Ethics

Sabina Alkire

Date of birth 22 February 1969

Place Göttingen, Germany (Europe)

Nomination 05 July 2022

Jutta Allmendinger

Date of birth 26 September 1956

Place Mannheim, Germany (Europe)

Nomination 20 October 2020

Field Sociology

Tongdong Bai

Date of birth 04 June 1970

Place Beijing, China (Asia)

Nomination 17 January 2023

Field Political Philosophy

Albino F. Barrera, OP

Date of birth 03 January 1956

Place Manila, Philippines (Asia)

Nomination 14 September 2021

Field Economics; Theology

Gustavo Beliz

Date of birth 07 January 1962

Place Buenos Aires, Argentina (America)

Nomination 01 September 2020

Field Law; Economic and Social Development; Technological Innovation

Rocco Buttiglione

Date of birth 06 June 1948

Place Gallipoli, Lecce, Italy (Europe)

Nomination 19 January 1994

Field Philosophy

Paolo Carozza

Date of birth 04 June 1963

Place United States of America (America)

Nomination 25 July 2016

Field Law, Political Science

Marta Cartabia

Date of birth 14 May 1963

Place San Giorgio su Legnano, Milano, Italy (Europe)

Nomination 23 March 2021

Field Constitutional Law, Political Philosophy; Public Law

Stephen Chow Sau-Yan

Date of birth 07 August 1959

Place Hong Kong, China (Asia)

Nomination 07 May 2024

Field Psychology and Education

Emilce Cuda

Date of birth 26 December 1965

Place Buenos Aires, Argentina (America)

Nomination 13 April 2022

Field Theology

Pierpaolo Donati

Date of birth 30 September 1946

Place Budrio, Bologna, Italy (Europe)

Nomination 22 December 1997

Field Sociology, Social Policy

Mario Draghi

Date of birth 03 September 1947

Place Rome, Italy (Europe)

Nomination 26 May 2020

Field Economics

Christoph Engel

Date of birth 22 February 1956

Place Cologne, Germany (Europe)

Nomination 28 May 2019

Field Law

Justin Farrell

Date of birth 28 December 1983

Place Cheyenne, WY, United States of America (America)

Nomination 17 January 2023

Field Sociology

Fabio Ferrucci

Date of birth 25 October 1963

Place Mirano, Venice, Italy (Europe)

Nomination 09 February 2021

Field Sociology

Ana Marta González

Date of birth 23 October 1969

Place Ourense, Spain (Europe)

Nomination 30 June 2016

Field Philosophy

Rodrigo Guerra López

Date of birth 04 August 1966

Place Mexico City, Mexico (America)

Nomination 20 October 2020

Field Philosophy

Martín Maximiliano Guzmán

Date of birth 12 October 1982

Place La Plata, Argentina (America)

Nomination 21 September 2021

Field Economics