In publishing these papal addresses and documents, which are offered in particular to the entire academic community, the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences wishes to express to the Supreme Pontiffs, their authors, its feelings of deeply-felt gratitude and profound admiration.
In the words of the Academy's founder, Pope John Paul II, "Over the last century the Church has strengthened her ‘citizenship status’ by perfecting her social doctrine … [thanks to] close collaboration, on the one hand, with Catholic social movements, and on the other, with experts in the social sciences … John XXIII … stressed that the social doctrine must always strive to take into account ‘the true state of affairs’ by maintaining a constant dialogue with the social sciences … Facing the great tasks which the future has in store, this interdisciplinary dialogue, already fostered in the past, should now be given new expression. … Today I establish the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences … with the aim of promoting the study and progress of the social, economic, political and juridical sciences, and thus offering the Church the elements which she can use in the study and development of her social doctrine" (Motu Proprio, 1 January 1994).
+ Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo