Ordinary Academicians

Marta Cartabia


Marta Cartabia

Date of birth 14 May 1963

Place San Giorgio su Legnano, Milano, Italy (Europe)

Nomination 23 March 2021

Field Constitutional Law, Political Philosophy; Public Law

Title Professor of Constitutional Law, Bocconi University, Milan; President Emeritus of the Italian Constitutional Court

  • Biography
  • Publications

Most important awards, prizes and academies
Former Professor of Public Law, University of Verona and Milan-Bicocca; Deputy Director of the Dept. of Legal Studies, University of Milan-Bicocca; Member of the Strategic Committee for the high-level strategic review of EUI, Florence; Senior Expert of FRALEX, Vienna; Co-editor of “Quaderni Costituzionali”, Il Mulino, Bologna; Scientific Board of EGEA Pub. Co., Milan. Advisory Board of The European Constitutional Law Review; Steering Committee “Media Laws”; Co-president elect of the International Society of Public Law; Founder and co-president of the Italian Chapter of ICON.S; Member of the Scientific Board of the Luigi Sturzo Institute, Rome; Honorary Doctorate in Law, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies; Giovanni Spadolini Award; Marisa Bellisario Award; Knight Grand Cross in the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

Summary of scientific research
Constitutionalism and human rights. European Union and the Rule of Law. Constitutional Foundations of the principle of subsidiarity. Benevolent justice and democracy.

Main publications
Una parola di giustizia (2021); co-author of Dialogues on Italian constitutional justice. A comparative perspective (2020); Giustizia e mito. Con Edipo, Antigone e Creonte (with L. Violante) (2018); Pope Benedict XVI’s legal thought. A dialogue on the Foundation of Law (ed. 2015); co-author of Democracy and Subsidiarity in the EU (2013); co-author of Elementary Experience and Law (2012); Le fonti europee e il diritto italiano (2011); Principi inviolabili e integrazione europea (1995); Lo sguardo di un Giudice della Corte Costituzionale sulla giustizia riparativa (2018); The Italian Constitution as a revolutionary agreement (2020); The Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union (2019); The Many and the few. Clash of values or reasonable accommodation? (2018); Europe today: bridges and walls (2016); Europe as a space of constitutional interdependence (2015); How judges think in a globalized world? (2013); Cittadinanza europea (1995); The Italian constitutional court and the relationship between the Italian legal system and the European Union (1998).

Professional Address

Department of Law
Bocconi University
Via Sarfatti, 25

The Challenges of ‘New Rights’ and Militant Secularism (PDF) 2011