Ordinary Academicians
Most important awards, prizes and academies
Nominated for Stanford University scholarship, IIS-Stanford Institute for International Studies, Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law-CDDRL 2004; Nominated for Fellows Program scholarship of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 2004; Distinguished British Council Chevening Scholarship as a researcher at the London School of Economics (LSE), 1994; Distinguished as New Leader of Latin America for the New Millennium by the Time-CNN Network, 2000; Distinguished as an Outstanding Young Person of Argentina by the Junior Chamber of Buenos Aires, 1992; Distinguished by the Government of Japan as one of the Outstanding Young People of Argentina, and invited to an exchange scholarship, 1987.
Summary of scientific research
With more than 15 years of experience working for the economic, social and institutional development of Latin America and the Caribbean at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Gustavo Beliz has become one of the regional leaders in innovation for inclusive growth. There, he also served as the Director of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL). He has devoted his life to public service, serving on three occasions as Minister in the National Cabinet of Argentina (Interior and Justice, Security and Human Rights; and Secretary of Strategic Affairs, with ministerial range) and once as Secretary of the President of the Nation (Public Management, and Strategic Affairs) in three different national governments.
Currently, he is Governor of Argentina in the Board of Governors of the IDB, the World Bank, the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), FONPLATA, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, FIDA, and the African Development Bank.He has designed, directed and evaluated loan and technical cooperation projects, as well as advised governments in more than 90% of the IDB's borrowing countries, having multiplied the citizen security portfolio by six after leading that team for 5 years. As head of INTAL-BID, he developed an innovative agenda that connects new technologies, fair trade, physical infrastructure, education and regional integration, where he shows the positive synergies that smart policies can establish between the public and private sectors to strengthen social inclusion, sustainable growth and empowerment of women.
Since 2021 he has chaired the Economic and Social Council of Argentina, which aims to discuss the main challenges of the country’s reality, and set a medium and long-term development roadmap to overcome them.
His long career also includes experience as a leader in the Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS), President of the National Institute of Public Administration of Argentina, Representative of the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires and consultant to different multilateral development agencies, such as the World Bank or USAID. Highly recognized for his commitment to transparency and many times awarded for his achievements as a national and international civil servant, this graduate of the University of Buenos Aires and Chevening Research Fellow of the London School of Economics (LSE) has been able to build strong leadership in large corporations linking evidence-based knowledge with efficient and innovative management.
He has also published 22 books and given over 400 keynote lectures around the world on development, on topics ranging from the 4.0 Economy to social inequality and global environmental challenges.
Main publications
He is the author and editor of 22 books that analyze the relationship between technological change and the future of work; the new challenges of Artificial Intelligence; the transparency of democratic institutions; and Climate Change in the Latin American context in the light of Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si’, among others.
His main publications include: Algoritmolandia, Inteligencia Artificial para una Integración Inclusiva y Predictiva de América Latina. Editor. Editorial Planeta y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. 2018. Buenos Aires, Argentina; Industrias 4.0. Fabricando el Futuro. Co-author. 2018. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Buenos Aires, Argentina; LATINDIA, El futuro de la cooperación de América Latina e India. Editor. Editorial Planeta y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. 2018. Buenos Aires, Argentina; Tecno-integración de América Latina: instituciones, comercio exponencial y equidad en la era de los algoritmos. Co-author. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. 2017. Buenos Aires, Argentina; Los Futuros del Mercosur. Nuevos rumbos de la integración regional. Editor. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. 2017. Buenos Aires, Argentina; Made en Chi-LAT, claves para renovar la convergencia entre América Latina y China. Editor. Editorial Planeta y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. 2017. Buenos Aires, Argentina; Robot-Lución, El futuro del trabajo en la Integración 4.0 de América Latina, 2017. Editor. Editorial Planeta y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Buenos Aires; Eco-Integración en América Latina. Ideas Inspiradas por la Encíclica Laudato Si'. Editor. Editorial Planeta y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. 2016. Buenos Aires; El Gran Salto. Las tecnologías disruptivas en América Latina. Editor. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, BID. Buenos Aires, 2014; ¿Cuál es la salida? La agenda inconclusa de la seguridad ciudadana. Editor. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, BID, Washington DC, 2007; Proyecto Ciudad. Un Nuevo Modelo de Gobierno para Buenos Aires”, Fundación Nueva Dirigencia Buenos Aires, 2000; No Robarás. ¿Es posible ganarle a la corrupción? Editor. Editorial Universidad de Belgrano y Fundación Konrad Adenauer, Buenos Aires, 1997; La Cultura Profesional del Periodismo Argentino. Hacia un Índice Riesgo-País en materia de Libertad de Prensa. Co-author, Universidad Austral, Argentina, 1998; El Otro Modelo. Una propuesta de reforma social para la Argentina que viene. Co-author. Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, 1999; Buenos Aires vale la pena. Una propuesta de gobierno para la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Editorial Planeta y Fundación Konrad Adenauer, Buenos Aires, 1996; Política Social, la cuenta pendiente. Editor. Editorial Sudamericana y Fundación Konrad Adenauer, Buenos Aires, 1995; Vale la Pena. Adiós a la Vieja Política. Editorial Sudamericana-Planeta, Buenos Aires, 1992; La Argentina Ausente: entre la resignación y la esperanza, Editorial Sudamericana-Planeta, Buenos Aires, 1990. This essay was the number one best seller for two months in Argentina, with six editions.