Comment: Reflection on Modernity and Relationality (PDF) 2010
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
Largo Angelicum 1
00184 Rome RM, Italy
Most important awards, prizes and academies
Member of the Congregation of St Catherine of Siena of Newcastle, Natal (Dominicans) since 1994; Senior Adviser to the “Blueprint for Better Business”; Consultor to the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development; Expert of the Holy See's Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO).
Summary of scientific research
Her research mostly looks at the role and impact of ethics and Christian social thought in the field of management.
Main publications
Member of the Editorial Boards of various academic journals, including Journal of Catholic Social Thought, Finance and the Common Good, Transforming Business, OIKONOMA: Journal of Ethics and Social Sciences.
Books and Contributions to Books: Helen Alford, “Impresa” in Francesco Compagnoni et al, Nuovo Dizionario di Teologia Morale, Edizioni Paoline, 2019; Helen Alford, “The Theological Virtue of Charity and Economics: Reflections on Caritas in veritate”, in Laszlo Zsolnai and Peter Rona, Economics as a Moral Science, Springer, 2017; Helen Alford, “Virtues in the Catholic Tradition”, in Alejo Sison (ed), Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business, Springer, 2017; Alford, Helen, and German Scalzo, “Prudence as part of a worldview: historical and conceptual dimensions”, in K. Akrivou and A. Sison, eds., The Challenges of Capitalism for Virtue Ethics and the Common Good: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, (Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 2016), 254-271; Helen Alford, “Overview of the Responses to the Pre-Conference Questionnaire” in Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace, The Global Common Good: Towards a More Inclusive Economy, Rome, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 28-42; Alford, Helen, and Francesco Compagnoni, eds., Preaching Justice II: Contributions of Dominican Sisters to Social Ethics in the Twentieth Century (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2016); Helen Alford, “Il caso degli investitori religiosi e mission-driven”, in D. Dal Maso e G. Fiorentini, eds, Creare valore al lungo termine: conoscere, promuovere, gestire l’investimento sostenibile e responsabile, (Milano: Egea, 2013), 228-236; Helen Alford, “The Influence of Thomism in Contemporary Business Ethics” in Christopher Lueztge (ed) Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics, Springer, 2013; Helen Alford, “Catholic Social Thought” in Luigino Bruni and Stefano Zamagni (eds), Handbook on the Economics of Philanthropy, Reciprocity and Social Enterprise, Edward Elgar, 2013; Helen Alford, “Ethical Foundations of Corporate Social Responsibility. The Contribution of Christian Social Thought”, in Gianfranco Zanda (ed), Corporate Management in a Knowledge-Based Economy, Macmillan, 2012, pp. 189-211; H. Alford “Le Nuove Esigenze per l’Impresa nel Contesto Internazionale”, in Caritas in Veritate: agenda per uno sviluppo integrale, Bologna, Istitutio Veritatis Splendor, 99-118, 2011; H. Alford, “Reflections on Modernity”, in Crisis in A Global Economy: Replanning the Journey, Proceedings of the 16th Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, 2011; Charles Clark and Helen Alford, Rich and Poor, CTS Publication, London, 2010; Helen Alford e Yuliya Shcherbinina, “Corporate Social Responsibility and the Common Good”, in Henri-Claude de Bettignies and François Lépineux (eds), Business, Globalization and the Common Good, Frontiers of Business Ethics 6, Bern, Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 63-82; Helen Alford and Yuliya Shcherbinina, “Beyond the Spiritual: the Common Good Model of CSR”, in Imagine Europe: the search for European Identity and Spirituality, edited by Luk Bouckaert and Jochanan Eynikel, number 3 in the series “European SPES Cahiers”, Antwerp, Garant, 2009, pp. 103-112; Helen Alford and Francesco Compagnoni (eds), Fondare la Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa: contributi dalle scienze umane e dal pensiero sociale cristiano, Rome, Città Nuova, 2008; Helen Alford, “Impostazione del Lavoro nella prospettiva della Laborem Exercens”, in Etica ed Economia: il rapporto possibile, a cura di Francesco Totaro e Benedetta Giovanola, collana “Fede e cultura, Padova, Edizioni Messaggero, 2008, pp. 93-130; Helen Alford and Yuliya Shcherbinina, “Corporate Social Responsibility and the Common Good”, in Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa e Nuovo Umanesimo, a cura di Emilio Bettini e Flaviano Moscarini, Genova, San Giorgio Editrice, 2008, pp. 14-30; Helen Alford, “Persona e Personalismo, fondamento della libertà”, in Atti del Congresso Eucaristico Diocesano 2007, pp. 45-52; Francesco Compagnoni OP and Helen Alford OP (eds), Preaching Justice: Dominican Contributions to Social Ethics in the Twentieth Century, Dublin, Dominican Publications, 2007; Helen Alford “Justice and Peace in Religious Formation” in Vita Consacrata e Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa: Percorsi di Formazione, a cura della Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica, il Pontificio Consiglio “Gisutizia e Pace” e I Religiosi e le Religiose Promotori di Giustizia, Pace, Integrità del Creato, Bologna, Editirce Missionaria Italiana, 2007, pp. 362-368; Helen Alford, Charles M.A. Clark, Michael J. Naughton and Steve Cortright (eds), Rethinking Wealth Creation and Distribution: Interdisciplinary Essays within the Catholic Social Tradition, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006; Helen Alford, “Equitable Global Wealth Distribution: A Global Public Good and a Building Block for the Global Common Good” in Helen Alford, Charles M. A. Clark, Michael J. Naughton and Steve Cortright (eds), Rethinking Wealth Creation and Distribution: Interdisciplinary Essays within the Catholic Social Tradition, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, pp. 236-259; Helen Alford, “L’Equa distribuzione delle ricchezza globale: bene pubblico globale e base per il bene commune globale”, in Francesco Compagnoni e Alberto Lo Presti (edd), Etica e globalizzazione, Roma, Città Nuova, 2006, pp. 137-162; Helen Alford, Intervento 4 sotto il titolo generale di “Ripensare l’economia sociale: prospettive economiche, etiche e giuridiche”, in Ripensare l’economia sociale per le sfide del XXI secolo, Atti del Seminario di Alta Formazione Summer School 2005, no. 1 nella collana “Quaderni della Fondazione”, Fondazione Ispirazione, 2006, pp. 131-142; Helen Alford and Alberto Lo Presti (eds), Il Carcere degli esclusi: le condizioni civili degli stranieri nelle carceri italiane, Milano, Edizioni San Paolo, 2005; Helen Alford, “Stakeholder e gestione strategica (storia del concetto di stakeholder nel management)” and “La Responsabilità sociale d’impresa nella dottrina sociale cattolica e nel pensiero cristiano europeo” in Guida Critica alla Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa: Linguaggio, Teorie e Strumenti, Associazione Bancaria Italiana (ABI), Roma, 2005, pp 169-177, 311-318; H. Alford “La progettazione dei posti di lavoro: proposte dalla “Laborem Exercens” e dalla tecnologia incentrata sull’uomo”, Notiziario dell'Ufficio Nazionale per i Problemi Sociali e il Lavoro, anno VIII, n.4, dicembre 2004, pp. 27-46; Helen Alford and Michael Naughton “The Common Good and the Purpose of Business: A Critique of the Financial Theory of the Firm” in Steve Cortright and Michael J. Naughton, Rethinking the Purpose of Business: Interdisciplinary Essays in the Catholic Social Tradition, University of Notre Dame Press, 2002; Helen Alford, “Job Design in the Perspective of Laborem Excercens”, in Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Work as Key to the Social Question: The Great Social and Economic Transformations and the Subjective Dimension of Work, Conference held September 12-15, 2001, Rome and Vatican City, Vatican City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2002, pp. 215-233; Helen J. Alford and Michael J. Naughton, Managing As If Faith Mattered: Christian Social Principles in the Modern Organization, University of Notre Dame Press, 2001 (Spanish translation: Colonia Tepeyac Insurgentes (Mexico), 2002: Russian translation: Kairos, Kyiv, 2003; Hungarian translation: Kairosz, Budapest, 2004; Chinese translation, Taipei, 2007); E. Garnsey and H. Alford, “Innovative interaction: a study of supplier relations among NTBF’s”, in Ray Oakey (ed), New Technology-Based Firms in the 1990’s, volume II, Paul Chapman, London, 1996, pp. 130-140.
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
Largo Angelicum 1
00184 Rome RM, Italy
Comment: Reflection on Modernity and Relationality (PDF) 2010