Ordinary Academicians

Ana Marta González


Ana Marta González

Date of birth 23 October 1969

Place Ourense, Spain (Europe)

Nomination 30 June 2016

Field Philosophy

Title Professor

  • Biography
  • Publications

Ana Marta González is Full Professor of Philosophy, at the University of Navarra, where she teaches Moral Philosophy and Social Philosophy courses both at the graduate and the undergraduate level. She is the Director of the Doctoral Program of Philosophy at the School of Philosophy, and researcher of the Institute for Culture and Society, where she served as Scientific Director from 2012 through 2019. Since 2004 she is the Academic Director of the "Culture and Lifestyles" branch of the Social Trends Institute, where she has led many international and interdisciplinary experts-meetings on contemporary cultural topics.
Her research is focused on fundamental ethics and the relationship between moral philosophy and social sciences. After a preliminary work on the relationship between “Nature and dignity in Robert Spaemann” (published in 1996) she wrote her dissertation on “Morality, nature and reason in Thomas Aquinas”, for which she was awarded the Extraordinary Prize of Doctorate.  It was published in 1998, and its third edition is bound to appear in 2021. In 2002 she was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to conduct a post-doctoral research at Harvard, on “Nature, Culture and Morality in Kant's practical philosophy”. In 2003 she became a corresponding member of the Pontifical Academy of Thomas Aquinas.  Since 2006, under the national program of research funded by the Spanish Government, she has been leading several research projects to explore the relationship between moral philosophy and the social sciences: “Razón Práctica y Ciencias sociales en la Ilustración escocesa” (Ref. HUM2006-07605), “Filosofía Moral y Ciencias Sociales” (Ref. Micinn, FFI2009-09265), “Acción, emoción e identidad. Elementos para una teoría de las sociedades tardo-modernas”, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. (Ref. FFI2012-38737-C03-01), “Vínculos, emoción e identidad” (FFI2015-67388-P). Since 2010 she is also the Principal Investigator of the Interdisciplinary Research Project “Emotional Culture and Identity”, at the Institute for Culture and Society.

Main publications
Among her most recent publications: Kant on Culture, Happiness and Civilization (Palgrave, forthcoming April 2021); Descubrir el nombre: Subjetividad, Identidad, Socialidad (forthcoming in Comares, 2021); "Hume as Forerunner of the Sociology of Emotions" (forthcoming In: C. Smith & R. Mills (eds.) The Scottish Enlightenment Human Nature, Social theory and Moral philosophy: Essays in honour of Christopher J. Berry, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021); "Value and Obligation Once More: A Critical Assessment of Robert Stern's 'Hybrid' Kant", (Metaphilosophy, 2020); "Christianity and the Principle of Solidarity" (In: R. Domingo & J. Witte (eds.) Christianity and Global Law: an introduction, London & New York: Routledge, 2020); González, A.M. & Vigo, Alejandro G. (eds). Emotion, Identity. From Kant onwards (Berlin: Duncker&Humblot, 2019); González, A.M. 2019. "Il Mondo Davanti a Noi: L'Orizzonte pratico dell'essere umano" (In: J.J. Pérez-Soba& A. Frigerio (eds.) Ricostruire il soggetto morale cristiano. Una sfida a 25 anni da Veritatis Splendor, Siena: Edizioni Cantagalli, 2019, pp. 87-104). "Practical identity, obligation and sociality" (The Journal of Social Philosophy, 2018); "The Pending Revolution: Kant as a Moral Revolutionary" (Filosofija, Sociologija, 2017); “Semejanzas estructurales entre la tradición de la filosofía moral y la teoría social de Durkheim” (Pensamiento, 2016); La ética explorada (Eunsa, 2016, 2ed), La articulación ética de la vida social (Comares, 2016), “Emoción, sentimiento y pasion en Kant" (in Trans-Form-Açao, 2015), "La filosofía kantiana como filosofía de la cultura" (in Isegoria, 2014), "Kant on history", (in Estudos Kantianos, 2014), Sociedad civil y normatividad. La teoría social de David Hume (Dykinson, 2013), The Emotions and Cultural Analysis (Ashgate, 2012), "Kant's philosophy of education: between systemic and relational approaches" (Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2011), Culture as mediation. Kant on nature, culture, and morality (Olms 2011), “Norma moral y cambio social. La aproximación de los filósofos” (in Acta Philosophica, 2011), "Kant and a culture of freedom" (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 2010), "Kant's contribution to social theory" (Kant Studien 2009), "Humean Keys for Social Theory: From Natural Circles of Sympathy to the Formation of an Impartial Moral Judgment" (en A. Vigo (ed.): Oikeiosis and the Natural Bases of Morality, Olms 2012), Contemporary perspectives on natural law (Ashgate, 2008).
Among the publications resulting from her leadership at the Social Trends Institute: Joseph E. Davis & Ana Marta González, To fix or to heal. Patient Care, Public Health and the Limits of Biomedicine (New York University Press, 2016); Ana Marta González & Craig Iffland, Care professions and globalization. Theoretical and practical perspectives (Palgrave, 2014); Ana Marta González & Laura Bovone (eds.), Identities through fashion. A multidisciplinary approach (Berg 2012); Ana Marta González & Florence Oloo & Laurie De Rose (eds.) Frontiers of globalization. Kinship and family structures in Africa (Africa World Press, 2011); Ana Marta González & Victor Seidler (eds.) Gender Identities in a globalized world (Humanities Press, 2008).

Professional Address

Departamento de Filosofía
Universidad de Navarra
Pamplona 31080 (Spain)