Ordinary Academicians

Stephen Chow Sau-Yan

H.Em. Card.

Stephen Chow Sau-Yan

Date of birth 07 August 1959

Place Hong Kong, China (Asia)

Nomination 07 May 2024

Field Psychology and Education

Title Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong

  • Biography
  • Publications

Cardinal Stephen Chow Sau-yan, S.J., Bishop of Hong Kong (China), was born on 7 August 1959 in Hong Kong.

After secondary school, he earned a bachelor's and master's degree in Psychology from the University of Minnesota (United States). He entered the Society of Jesus on 27 September 1984. From 1986 to 1988 he carried out his novitiate and graduated with a Licentiate in Philosophy in Ireland, continuing his theological studies from 1988 to 1993 in Hong Kong, where he was ordained a priest on 16 July 1994. He earned a master's degree in Organization Development (1993-1995) from Loyola University, Chicago and a doctorate (Ed.D.) in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University in Boston (2000-2006). He took his final vows on 17 April 2007.

He has held the following positions: since 2007, supervisor of two Jesuit Wah Yan colleges in Hong Kong and Kowloon; Honorary Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong (2008-2015) and Jesuit Formator (2009-2017). Since 2009 he has been Chairman of the Education Commission of the Jesuit Chinese Province and since 2012 part-time Professor of Religion and Psychology at the Holy Spirit Seminary College in Hong Kong; from 2012 to 2014 member of the Presbyteral Council of the diocese of Hong Kong, from 2013 to 2017 provincial consultant and from 2017 member of the Diocesan Catholic Board of Education. From 1 January 2018 until his appointment as Bishop he was Provincial of the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus and from 2020 Deputy Secretary of the Association of Men Religious Superiors in Hong Kong.

In May 2021 he was appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong (China). The see had been vacant since January 3, 2019, when - after less than two years in office - Monsignor Michael Yeung died. He was consecrated on December 4, 2021. In April 2023, Bishop Chow visited the Diocese of Beijing. He met Bishop Joseph Li Shan, visited several churches and the Zhalan cemetery where Matteo Ricci's tombstone is kept. It was the first visit to Beijing by a bishop from Hong Kong since 1985.

2020 「利瑪竇神父的『橋』」。 《利瑪竇的奇妙人生》李韡玲主編 出版社: 萬里機構 ISBN: 9789621471918.

2012 主編 (Editor)。《耶穌會教育論文集》。思維出版社有限公司ISBN: 9881914760, 9789881914767.

2007 Chow, S.S.Y. & Chu, M.H.T. “The Impact of Filial Piety and Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement Motivation in Chinese Secondary School Students.” Asian Journal of Counselling, 14 (1&2).

2006 Doctoral Dissertation: “Understanding Moral Culture in Hong Kong Secondary Schools: Relationships among Moral Norm, Moral Culture, Academic Achievement Motivation, and Empathy”.

Professional Address

12/F., Diocese Centre
16 Caine Road
Hong Kong