Institute of Sociology
Faculty of Historical and Social Sciences
The Cardinal Wyszyński University
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3
01-938 Warsaw
Ordinary Academicians
Most important awards, prizes and academies
International Associate for Critical Realism – Member of Council, International Sociological Associate, Polish Sociological Associate, Polish Philosophical Associate.
Summary of scientific research
Professor Wielecki studied pedagogy, psychology and sociology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Later he continued his studies in philosophy, economics and systems theory. He obtained his master's degree thanks to the work entitled "The cohesion of the social group, and the effectiveness of prizes and punishments." In 1977 he started work as an assistant at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the Jagiellonian University. In 1986, he defended his doctorate based on the dissertation "Social System of the University" and became an assistant professor. In 1987, he started working as an assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. At the same time he was the director of the Social Research Center in Warsaw. In 1992, he moved to the University of Warsaw, where he became deputy director of the Warsaw University Center for Europe. In 2003, based on the book "Subjectivity at the time of a post-industrial crisis. Between individualism and collectivism" and the habilitation colloquium, he received a postdoctoral degree (habilitation) in sociology and became a professor at the University of Warsaw, where he headed the Laboratory of Philosophical, Cultural and Social Problems of Contemporary Europe. His most important works of this period include his research on the European Social Thought, as well as the Post-industrial Civilization Crisis. At the same time, in 2007 he became the director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw. He also headed the Chair of Contemporary Sociological Theories and Macrosociology.
In 2013 he became a professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University and head of Contemporary Sociological Theories, then Chair of Social Thought at the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Historical and Social Sciences of that University, where he is still working today, and where he also conducts doctoral studies in sociology. In 2017 he became the director of the Institute of Sociology. Twice he was on a scholarship: at the University of San-Sebastian (Spain) and Maastricht (the Netherlands). He is the author of many studies and sociological works in the field of social psychology, human philosophy and social ontology, and in recent years also economic sociology.
He has been cooperating with the media for many years (Telewizja Polska, NBC TV, Radio Free Europa, BBC Radio - Polish section, Polish press), dealing with social and political commentary. In 1993 he founded the Association of Culture and Education in Warsaw, which implements educational and cultural projects in the spirit of the theory of subjectivity developed by him. He was an adviser to the President of the Republic of Poland and to the parliament.
He is a Catholic, active in religious movements. He practices sailing, mountain hiking and listens to classical music. He deals with macrosociology, contemporary social theories, sociology of economy, social psychology and human philosophy, developing his own theory of subjectivity, civilization crisis, social order and mass culture. Previously he dealt with pedagogy, psychology, sociology of education and youth. He has managed research programs, including empirical research (including European social thought, Civilization crisis – European perspective, Young Polish intelligentsia and others).
Main publications
Books: P. Mazurkiewicz, M. Gierycz, K. Wielecki, M. Sulkowski, M. Zarzecki, Totalitarianism in the Postmodern Age, A Summary of the Report on Young People’s Attitudes to Totalitariansm, The Cardinal Stefan Wysyzński University (UKSW) Publishing, 2018 Warsaw, Poland; Kryzys i socjologia, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2012 (Crisis and Sociology); Podmiotowość w dobie kryzysu postindustrializmu. Między indywidualizmem a kolektywizmem, Warszawa 2003 r. (Subjectivity at the time of a post-industrial crisis. Between individualism and collectivism); Wprowadzenie do problematyki integracji europejskiej, Warszawa 1998 (Introduction to the problems of European integration). Main articles: The contemporary civilizational crisis from the perspective of critical realism, Journal of Critical Realism; v. 19, 13 May 2020; Concerns, Horror and Instrumental Rationality, in: The Relational Theory of Society. Archerian Studies v. 2, Peter Lang, Wielecki K., Śledzińska K. – ed., Peter Lang, Berlin 2020; Homo duplex. Filozofia człowieka Romana Ingardena: między socjologizmem Émile'a Durkheima a personalizmem Edith Stein (Homo duplex. The Philosophy of Human Being by Roman Ingarden: Between the Sociologism of Émile Durkheim and the Personalism of Edith Stein), w: Doświadczanie świata. Eseje o myśli Romana Ingardena, T. Maślanka – red., Narodowe Centrum Kultury Warszawa 2020, s. 119-136 ; Wstęp do wydania polskiego -– Dobra socjologia w trudnym świecie – Znaczenie teorii Margaret S. Archer w czasach kryzysu cywilizacji i socjologii w: Margaret S. Archer, Kultura i sprawczość, Wydawnictwo Narodowego Centrum Kultury, Warszawa 2019. Wstęp do wydania polskiego – Dobra socjologia w trudnym świecie - Znaczenie teorii Margaret S. Archer w czasach kryzysu cywilizacji i socjologii (Introduction to the Polish edition – Good sociology in a difficult world - The importance of Margaret S. Archer's theory in times of crisis of civilization and sociology) w: Margaret S. Archer, Kultura i sprawczość (Culture and Agency), Wydawnictwo Narodowego Centrum Kultury, Warszawa 2019, ss. 13-65; Prawda socjologiczna i realizm krytyczny, w: Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum, 24(1): 45-70, 2018. (The sociological truth and critical realism); Subjectivity and violence from the perspective of critical realism, in: Journal of Critical Realism, Jul 2018, v. 17, pp. 1-13; Subjectivity in the European Thought. The Significance of Paweł Włodkowic’s and Bartolomé de Las Casas’ Philosophies, in: Jagiellonian Ideas Towards Challenges of Modern Times, Korporowicz, Jaskuła, Stefanovič, Plichta, Jagiellonian Library, Kraków 2017 (wydane w 2018), pp. 153-178; Sociology at a Crossroads: the Significance of Margaret S. Archer’s Theory, in: Critical Realism and Humanity in the Social Sciences. Archerian Studies v. 1, K. Śledzińska, K. Wielecki (ed.), Warsaw 2016, ss. 27-45.