Catholic Education Fifty Years Later (PDF) 2012
Boston University
Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character
605 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
st important awards, prizes and academies
Wall Street Journal Award, Columbia University (Journalism Fellowship) Summer, 1962; Alfred North Whitehead Fellow, Harvard University, 1970-1971, Fulbright-Hayes Senior Scholar, Portugal, 1980; Distinguished Service Medal, University of Helsinki, Finland, 1980; Boston University Scholar-Teacher Award for 1989-90; Association of Teacher Education's Outstanding Teacher Educator Award, 1990; Paideia Inc., 1998 Award for Educational Excellence; University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, the 1998 National Award of Distinction; The Stanford N. McDonnell Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by the Character Education Partnership, October 2000.
Summary of scientific research
The focus of Ryan's research and writing is on the education of teachers, to support elementary and secondary schools in efforts to aid children in acquiring good moral judgment and the enduring habits which are at the heart of good character.
Main publications
He has authored and edited twenty books, primarily on moral education and the education of teachers, and written over one hundred articles. The Use of Students' Written Feedbacks in Changing the Behavior of Beginning Secondary School Teachers (Ph.D. Dissertation), Stanford University, 1966; Microteaching (with Dwight Allen), Reading MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1969 (Translated into German, French, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese); Don't Smile Until Christmas: Account of the First Year of Teaching (K. Ryan editor). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970; Kaleidoscope: Selected Readings in Education (edited with James Cooper). Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Boston. 13th edition (in preparation); Those Who Can Teach (with James Cooper) Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Boston. 13th edition (in preparation) Teacher Education: The Seventy-fourth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II (editor), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975; Moral Education: It Comes With The Territory (with David Purpel). Berkeley: McCutchan Publishing, 1976; Biting the Apple: Account of First Year Teachers (with K. Newman, J. Mager, J. Applegate, T. Lasley, R. Flora, and J. Johnston). New York: Longman, 1980; The Work Book: Exploring Careers in Teaching (with Suzanne Burkholder, Debra Hallock Philips). Columbus, Ohio: Charles Merrill Publishing, 1983; Making a Marriage (with Marilyn Ryan). New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982; Character Development in Schools and Beyond (edited with George McLean) Second edition, edited with T. Lickona. New York: Praeger, 1988; Lenses on Teaching (with Leigh Chiarelott and Leonard Davidman) New York: Holt/Dryden/Saunders, Fourth edition, 2007; The Art of Loving Well (edited with Ronald Goldman, Nancy McLaren, Stephan Ellenwood), Boston: Boston University, 1990; The Roller Coaster Year: Accounts of First Year Teachers (edited) New York: Harper Collins, 1991;Reclaiming Our Schools: A Handbook for Teaching Character, Academics and Discipline (with Ed Wynne) New York: MacMillan, 1993; 2nd edition Columbus, Prentice Hall/Merrill, 1997; Why I Am Still a Catholic (edited with Marilyn Ryan) New York: Riverside Press, 1998; Building Character in Schools: Practical Ways to Bring Moral Instruction to Life (with Karen Bohlin) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999; Building Character in Schools Resource Guide (with Karen Bohlin and Deborah Farmer) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001;Teaching for Student Learning [with James Cooper and Susan Tauer] Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Boston, 2008.
Boston University
Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character
605 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
Catholic Education Fifty Years Later (PDF) 2012
The Recession and the Family (PDF) 2010
Comment: Pushing Back Against the Age (PDF) 2009
Report on the Condition of North American Youth (PDF) 2006