Former Academicians

Hanna Suchocka


Hanna Suchocka

Date of birth 03 April 1946

Place Pleszew, Poland (Europe)

Nomination 19 January 1994 - 18 January 2014 (Former Academician)

Field Law

Title Doctor of Law

  • Biography
  • Publications

Most important awards, prizes and academies
Gold medal of the "Jean Monnet" Foundation (Lausanne), for her activity in favour of integration and human rights. Max Schmidheimy Stiftung Peace Prize 1994.

Summary of scientific research
Member of the Polish Parliament (1980-85, and 1989-2001); Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland (1992-93); Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1994-97); Member of the Council of Europe's Committee of Wise Persons (1998); Member of the Council of Europe's Commission "Democracy through Law" (since 1991); Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Republic of Poland (1997-2000); Ambassador of Poland to the Holy See (since 3 December 2001). Her scientific research centres on questions concerning the state of law, systems of state organisation, and human rights.

Main publications
Author of many papers and scientific articles on the organization of the state and on themes regarding human rights. Her main publications are: Legal Protection of Minorities-Polish Perspective, Neuntes deutsch-polnisches Juristen kolloqium, wyd. Nomos, Baden-Baden 1992; Teaching religion in the light of the constitutions and laws in European Countries, Teaching religion in the school of a democratic country, (red.) J. Kurkowski, Lublin 1991; Polish Concordat, Przegląd Powszechny, 1994/9; The right to nationality, Human Rights, Legal Models, (red.) R. Wieruszewski, pub. Ossolineum 1991; The rights of the national, racial and linguistic minorities, Human Rights, Legal Models, (red.) R. Wieruszewski, pub. Ossolineum 1991; The vision of the Parliament in the new Constitution of the Republic of Poland, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 1995; Constitutional base of the economic system in Poland, Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1995/2; Effect on the European Convention on Human Rights of the enlargement of the number of Contracting Parties, report for the Council of Europe, September 1995; UN in its Second Half-Century, Sprawy Międzynarodowe, Warsaw, January-March 1995; The Problem of Justice in the Post-war Europe, About Human Rights on the double anniversary of the pacts. Memory book for Professor Anna Michalska, ed. TNOiK, Toruń, 1996; European Convention on Human Rights and internal law of the member states of the Council of Europe - the mutual dependencies, Constitution and its guarantees, Memory book in honour of Professor J. Zakrzewska, Warszawa 1996; European Standards in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, Europa i Kosściół (Europe and the Church), ed. ATK, Warszawa, 1997; Checks and Balances under the New Constitution of Poland, Saint Louis-Warsaw Transatlantic Law Journal 1998; What kind of the Constitution for the new Europe? The problem of the European Constitution from the point of view of the country preparing for the EU accession, Hamburg 2000; Reflexionen über die Idee einer europäischen Verfassung, w: T. Bruha I, Welche Verfassung für Europa? Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 2001; The discussion around the values in the Polish constitutional debate, Truth and Reconciliation (red.) J. Barcz, Warszawa 2002; John Paul II's vision of the international order, Polska w Europie, Warszawa 2004; Seventy-Five Years of the Lateran Treaties. Reflections on the relationship between the Holy See and the Vatican City, Ecclesia et Status, Księga Jubileuszowa z okazji 40 lecia pracy naukowej ks. prof. Josefa Krukowskiego, Lublin Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2004; La Polonia nell'Unione europea. Dal mito al realismo, Il nuovo areopago, Profili Europei, 2004, nr. 3-4; Evolution of the institution of President of Poland from 1989-1987, Evolution of fifteen years of constitutional practice in Central and Eastern Europe, Venice Commission, Council of Europe Publishing 2005; L'evoluzione costituzionale della Polonia: dal Patto di Varsavia all'adesione all'Unione Europea, Riforme costituzionali e itinerari della democrazia in Europa: Italia e Polonia a confronto, red. G.C. De Martin, Z. Witkowski, P. Gambale, LUISS 6, wyd. CEDAM 2007; The role of the freedom of religion as a peace factor, The Culture Identity of the EU and Pluralism of Religion, red. J. Krukowski, J. Isensee, M. Sitarz, TNKUL, Lublin 2007; Invocatio Dei and Christian values in the European Constitutions, Religion in the Public Sphere, red. Ks. J. Bagrownicza, Torún 2007; Polish model of the relationships between State and Church in the light of the Polish Constitution and the Concordat from 1993, Polish Concordat, 10 years after ratification, red. J. Wroceński, H. Pietrzak, wyd. UKSW, Warszawa 2008; La libertà religiosa e i problemi riguardanti la tolleranza, Fede e ragione, libertà e tolleranza (riflessioni a partire dal discorso di Benedetto XVI all'Università di Ratisbona), red. S. Grygiel, S. Kampowski, wyd. Cantagalli 2009; The role of the Constitution in the creation of a Law-Governed State, Liber Amicorum Antonio La Pergola, red. P. van Dijk, S. Granata-Menghini, Juristfoerlaget i Lund2009; Agreement between the Federal Republic of Brazil and the Holy See in: Studia Prawnicze KUL 2009, nr. 1.

Poland: The Case of Religious Freedom (PDF) 2011

Comment: The Family in the Period of Political Transformation (PDF) 2006