Former Academicians

Lubomír Mlčoch


Lubomír Mlčoch

Date of birth 13 May 1944

Place Troubky n/B, Czech Republic (Europe)

Nomination 30 June 2008 - 29 June 2018 (Former Academician)

Field Economics

Title Emeritus Professor

  • Biography
  • Publications

Most important awards, prizes and academies
Collective Prize of the Presidential Board of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1990); The Order of Saint Gregory the Great-Civic Class (2001); Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques (2003); Scientific Council, Charles University (1997-2000, 2002-present); Presidency of the Czech/oslovak Economic Association (1990-97); Dean and President of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1997-2002); Academician, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (2008-present); Bio-ethical Commission, Government Council for Science and Technology, Czech Republic (2012-present); Ethical Commission, Charles University, Prague (2013-present).

Summary of scientific research
Thanks to the Prague Spring of 1968 I was allowed to teach and later publish the first textbook of microeconomics in the communist block (Theory of the Firm). Fifteen years of a forced "sabbatical" in an industrial enterprise in Prague made it possible for me to elaborate a series of descriptive studies on behaviour within the planning hierarchy (unofficial papers published only after the fall of communism). During the 90s I founded the new department of "Institutional Economics" at the newly established Faculty of Social Sciences (Charles University, founded 1348). I published many papers about the institutional and ethical dimensions of the Czech economic transformation and privatization. In my books Zastřená vize ekonomické transformace (Foggy Vision of Economic Transformation, Karolinum 1997), and Economic and Social Changes in Czech Society after 1989 (together with M. Sojka and P. Machonin, Karolinum 2000) I presented a critical diagnosis of the misunderstood liberalism in the Czech Republic resulting in the erosion of order. Miloslav Cardinal Vlk charged me with a team work application of the catholic social teaching on social questions in my country after 1989 (presented as a pastoral social document of the Czech Bishop Conference "Peace and Good", 2000). In the post-transition period, my research has been focused on the economics of trust, Christian social ethics and common good. During these last few years my research has focused on "economics-happiness" links and the topic of family economics. 

Main publications
Teorie firmy (Theory of the Firm), Economic Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 1970; Chování čsl. podnikové sféry (The Behaviour of the Czechoslovak Enterprise Sphere), Economic Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 1990; Zastřená vize ekonomické transformace (Foggy Vision of Economic Transition), Karolinum, Prague 1997; Úvahy o české ekonomické transformaci (Thoughts about the Czech Economic Transformation), Vyšehrad, Prague 2000; Economic and Social Changes in Czech Society after 1989: an Alternative View (together with M. Sojka and M. Machonin), Karolinum, 2000; Moc slova (Power of Word, Volume of Speeches at Graduation Ceremonies), Charles University, Karolinum, Prague 2002; Institucionální ekonomie (Institutional Economics, 2nd edition), Karolinum 2005; Ekonomie důvěry a společného dobra (Economics of Trust and Common Good), Karolinum, Prague 2006; Soudobá ekonomie očima tří generací (Contemporary Economics Through Eyes of Three Generations), editor of collection 20 Years of Economics at Charles University, Karolinum, Prague 2013; Ekonomie rodiny v proměnách času, institucí a hodnot (Family Economics in Changing Times, Institutions and Values), , Národohospodářský ústav Josefa Hlávky /Economic Institute of Josef Hlávka, Studie 2/2013, Karolinum, Prague 2014; Economie, ekologie, eudaimonia (Economics, Ecology, Eudaimonia) (co-author Kameníček, J.), Karolinum, Prague 2015; Economics of the Family. Theories, institutions, policies and values, Sallux, NG Amersfoort, The Netherlands 2017; Family economics. Come la famiglia può salvare il cuore dell’economia. Edizioni San Paolo, Milano 2017. Articles, Book Chapters, etc.: Chování podniku v decentralizovaném modelu socialismu (The behavior of the firm in a decentralized model of socialism), Politická ekonomie 11/1967, Prague; Hrubá výroba, hrubý důchod, efektivita a extenzita ekonomického růstu (Gross production, gross income, efficiency and extensity of economic growth), Politická ekonomie 8/1968, Prague; The Czechoslovak Economy between the Past and the Future, Prague Economic Papers 3/1992; Synthesis of Descriptive Analysis of a Traditional Model, Prague Economic Papers 4/1992; Institutions in the Course of the Economic Transformation, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Oeconomica, 1992, No. l; The Ethical Dimension of the Reestablishment of Private Property in the Czech Republic, in: Cultural Consequences of Economic Transition, Centro Alletti, Roma-Troyes 1994; Economic Transformation and the Concept of Order, Prague Economic Papers 2/1994; La privatisation tchèque en tant que problème éthique, Association Internationale pour l’Enseignement Social Chrétien, Cahier No. 15, Louvain-la-Neuve, Juin 1997; Restructuring of Property Rights Through the Institutional Economist’s Eyes, Prague Economic Papers 3/1995; Czech Privatization – Penalties for the Speed. A criticism of Radical Liberalism. In: Business Ethics in Central and East Europe, P. Koslowski (ed.), Springer, Berlin 1997; Czech Privatization: A Criticism of the Misunderstood Liberalism. Journal of Business Ethics, 17 July 1998; Ten Lessons from Ten Years of the Czech Way, Lesson from the Czech Privatization, Finance a úvěr, 4/2001; Institutional Change and the Concept of Order. In: Fleiner, L.R.B., Swiderski, E.M. (eds.), Democratic Transition and Consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe, Helbing-Lichtenhahn 2001; The Economics of Trust, From Institutionalized Irresponsibility to Institutionalized Responsibility, Finance et bien commun, No. 13-14, Genève 2003; Family as a Victim of a Deluded Search for Paradise on Earth (From the Central Planning Happiness to Self-Deception of the Market System), Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences Acta 12, Vatican City 2006; La tentazione di “raggiungere” un’economia felice, Nuntium 1-2/2007; Ekonomie a štěstí – proč více není vždycky lépe (Economics and Happiness – why more is sometimes not better), Politická ekonomie 2/2007;  Pour une économie de la frugalité, in: Car c’est de l'homme qu'il s’agit, Paris 2007; Family as an agent under the pressure of markets, in: The Individual and the Process of Socialisation, Matfyzpress, Prague 2008; Rodina v pohledu institucionální ekonomie (Family from the perspective of institutional economics), Demografie 1/2009; Business Leadership sine specie aeternitatis: Irresponsibility in a Global Space, Crisis in a Global Economy – Re-planning the JourneyProceedings of the Sixteenth Plenary Session, 30 April-4 May 2010, Acta 16, eds J.T. Raga and M.A. Glendon, The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City, 2011; Rodina jako priorita: sociálně soudržná, ekonomicky konkurenceschopná (Family as a priority: social cohesion – economic competitivness), FORUM Sociální politiky 1/2010 Prague; The Common Good in terris – or only in excelsis? The Global Quest for Tranquillitas Ordinis. Pacem in Terris, Fifty Years Later, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Plenary Session 27 April - 1 May 2012, Acta 18, eds M.A. Glendon and R. Hittinger, The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City, 2013; Alternativní ekonomické modely v kontextu vývoje posledních 50 let (Alternative economic models in the context of past 50 years), in: Šrajer, J. (ed.), Křehká tvář rozvoje v globalizovaném světě. Kritické výzvy Populorum Progressio (1967). A interdisciplinární analýzy mezinárodního rozvoje a chudoby (The Fragile Face of Development in a Globalised World. Critical Challenges of Populorum Progressio (1967). An Interdisciplinary Analyses of International Development and Poverty), Lidové noviny, 220 pages, pp. 102-117, Prague 2017.

Professional Address

Charles University
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Economic Studies
Opletalova 26
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic

The Cornerstone of Social Building Dethroned on the Way to Global Economy (PDF) 2012

Business Leadership sine specie aeternitatis: Irresponsibility in a Global Space (PDF) 2010

Comment (PDF) 2009

Family as a Victim of a Deluded Search for Paradise on Earth: From the Central Planning Happiness to Self-Deception of the Market System (PDF) 2006