Former Academicians

Janne Haaland Matlary


Janne Haaland Matlary

Date of birth 27 April 1957

Place Mandal, Norway (Europe)

Nomination 01 September 2009 - 31 August 2019 (Former Academician)

Field International Politics

Title Professor

  • Biography
  • Publications

Most important awards, prizes and academies
She is a member of Oslo Militære Samfund (The Oslo Military Society) and Agder Vitenskapsakademi (Agder Academy of Science). She received the St. Benedict prize for 2007, conferred by the Benedictine Community of Subiaco, Italy, for her work on European culture and politics. She is a Dame of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. She was State Secretary (deputy Foreign Minister) for Foreign Affairs of Norway, representing the Christian Democratic Party in the Bondevik government, from 1997-2000. She was an expert member of the Norwegian parliament’s commission tasked with proposing changes to the Norwegian Constitution for the 200th anniversary of the latter in 2014. She was inter alia a member of the national defence commission of Norway and is on the board of trustees of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights. She was the Norwegian member of the High-level Task Force on Belarus, a group of ex-ministers and ex-presidents who try to engage with Belarus. She was a member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Family in the Vatican, and has acted as head or member of Holy See delegations to international conferences. She was a foreign policy advisor to the government and Furst von und zu Liechtenstein as a member of their Expertenrat für Aussenpolitik, 2002-2009, and member of the “Global Agenda Council” at the Davos World Economic Forum. She led the Norwegian Research Council’s programme on petroleum research PETROPOL in the period 2000-2006. She was a member of the Norwegian government’s expert commission on ethical guidelines for the national Petroleum Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ commission on profiling Norway (“Omdømmeutvalget”), 2003-2006 and the National Defence Commission, 1996-97.

Summary of scientific research
Matlary is professor of international politics, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, and professor at the Norwegian National Defence University College. Her main academic fields are European foreign policy and international security policy as well as human rights/rule of law.

Main publications
Hard Power in Hard Times: Can Europa Act Strategically? Palgrave Macmillan, 2018; The UK’s defence role after Brexit: Britain’s Coalitions and Partnerships (editor and author, with Robert Johnson), Palgrave Macmillan, 2018; Ukraine and beyond: Russia’s Strategic security Challenge to Europe, editor and author with Tordmod Heier, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016; Strategisk Suksess? Norsk maktbruk i Afghanistan og Libya, co-edited with O.B. Hansen and T. Heier, Univ. forlaget, 2013; NATO’s European Allies: Military Capability and Political Willingness, co-edited with Petersson, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2012; NATO: The Power of Partnerships co-edited with Petersson, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2011; Menneskerettighetene i Grunnloven, Rapport nr. 16 til Stortingets Presidentskap, 19.12.2011; Mangfold eller Uniformitet? Norsk Militærprofesjon i endring, edited with N.T.Lunde and H. Edstrøm, Abstrakt, 2010; Forsvaret i kryssild: Mellom mangfold og uniformitet (J.H. Matlary, H. Edstrøm og N.T. Lunde eds), author of chapter “Mangfold og det liberale demokrati: En kritisk diskusjon”, Abstrakt Forlag, Oslo, 2010; Etikk og Militærmakt, editor (with Nils Terje Lunde) and co-author, Gyldendal Forlag, Oslo, 2009; Krigerkultur i en fredsnasjon: Norsk militærprofesjon i endring (Edstrøm, Lunde, and Matlary eds), Abstrakt Forlag, Oslo, April 2009; Political Dynamics of Asymmetric Warfare: The Case of ISAF, Report to the Norwegian MOD, February 2009; EU Security Dynamics: In the National Interest, Palgrave Macmillan, January, 2009; Når russerne spiller sjakk, hva spiller Vesten?, Norsk Militært Tidsskrift, nr. X, 2008; A European Alternative for Belarus, Report from the High-Level Task Force on Belarus, 2008; Et styrket Forsvar, NOU 15.2007 (Report by the National Defence Commission to the Government); “Fellesskap i forfall: Et essay om samfunnsmoral”, i Norge, Mitt (nye) Norge, red. Knut Olav Åmås, Schibsted, Oslo, 2008; “Folkemord skjer igjen” – epilog, Folkemordenens svarte bok, red. Hagtvet et al., 2008, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo; Much ado about little: The EU and Human Security, January 2008, Special issue of International Affairs, UK; “Nyliberal militærmakt”, med Øyvind Østerud, i boken Politikkens vilkår under nyliberalismen, Universitetsforlaget, 2007; Moderne stabiliseringsoperasjoner: Hvilke politiske dynamikker utløses?, Festskrift til Helga Hernes, Januar 2008, Pax Forlag; Hva er en stat? Hva er en kirke?, Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, vol. 3, 2007, pp. 308-14; Cannon, Not Canon: The Dynamics of ad bellum Rule Change, in Lang, A. and Beattie, A (eds) Rethinking the Rules: Security and Force, St. Andrews University, 2008; En post-nasjonal militæretikk; et empirisk argument ad fontesPACEM, nr. 1, vol. 10, 2007, pp. 5-19; The De-Nationalisation of Defence: Convergence and Diversity in Northern Europe, J.H. Matlary and Ø-Østerud (eds), Ashgate, UK, 2007; Post-National Security Policy in the EU? Drivers and Constraints, in Mydske, P.K. and Peters, I. (eds), The Transformation of the European Nation-State, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2006, Berlin; Å lede seg selv under risiko, Norsk Militært Tidsskrift, no. 5, 2006, p. 30-31; Den internasjonaliserte militærmakten: Hva kreves av offiseren?, Norsk Militært Tidsskrift, no. 1, 2006, pp. 14-20; When Might becomes Human Right: Essays on the Crisis of Rationality and Democracy in Europe, Gracewing Publishers, UK, 2007; in German: Veruntreute Menschenrechte: Das Diktatur der Relativisismus?, St. Ulrich Verlag, Augsburg, August 2006; Bare når utenriks blir innenriks: utenrikspolitikk i partiene, med Audun Halvorsen, kommer i Neumann et al. (red.) Utenrikspolitiske praksiser i Norge, Cappelen, 2006; Values and Weapons: From Humanitarian Intervention to Regime Change?, Palgrave-Macmillan, forthcoming, 2006, London and N.Y.; Mot et avnasjonalisert Forsvar?, red. Matlary og Østerud; Abstrakt Forlag, Oslo, 2005; Innledning: Mot et avnasjonalisert forsvar, ibid.; Internasjonaliseringen av militærmakten: makt eller avmakt?, in Matlary/Østerud, 2005, op. cit.; ‘Terrorbalansen’ mellom frihet og sikkerhet, kapittel I Islamsk terrorisme, red. B.E. Rasch, Abstrakt Forlag, Oslo (2005); Restaurer les racines chretiennes de la politique europeenne, Sedes Sapientiæ, December 2004, no. 90. pp. 77-98; Implementing Freedom of Religion in the OSCE: Experiences from the Norwegian Chairmanship, in Lindholm, Durham, and Tazhib-Lie (eds), Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Holland, 2004; The Power of Legitimacy: EU Human Rights Policy, in Carlsnæs, W. et al, (eds), European Foreign Policy, SAGE, London, 2004; The Legitimacy of Military Intervention: How Important is a UN Mandate?, Journal of Military Ethics, 2004; Spillet om Irak, edited with Rasch, B.E. and Mydske, P.K., Abstrakt Forlag, Oslo, 2003; ‘Make Law, not War’ – en europeisk utenrikspolitikk? (2003), Spillet om Irak, op. cit.; Verdidiplomati – kilde til makt?, Report no. 46, Maktutredningen (The Norwegian Power Study), Oslo, August 2002; Nordic Security Policy: The EU as Catalyst?, Shaping the Union: Nordic Policies in the EU, ARENA Report no 4, 2002; Den Hellige Stol: En unik aktør, Hvor Hender Det?, NUPI, 4.2.02, no. 15; Intervention for Human Rights and Democracy in Europe, Palgrave, London and New York, 2002; The Just Peace: The Public and Classical Diplomacy of the Holy See, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, no. 1, 2001; Changing Sovereignty and Security Policy, PACEM: Militært tidsskrift, Oslo, no. 1, 2001; Norme internazionali per il diritto dell’uomo. Strategie di promozione del diritto naturale, Vita e pensiero, no. 1, Università del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 2001, based on a guest lecture at Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 12.10.2000; Energy Policy in the European Union, 1997, The European Union Series, Macmillan: London; Sverige och EMU, Fritzte’s: Stockholm. Co-Authored expert report to the Swedish government, 1996, English edition as a co-authored study on Kluwer Academic Publishers, Holland, 1997; Norway-EU Relations, Encyclopedia of European Integration, Desmond Dinan (ed), Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1997; The Role of the Commission: A Theoretical Discussion, in Nugent, N. (ed.) At the Heart of the Union: Studies of the European Commission, London: Macmillan, 1997 and 2000; Epilogue: New Bottles for New Wine, in K.E. Jørgensen (ed.), Reflective Approaches to the Study of European Governance, Macmillan: London, 1997; Tyngdepunktet. Hvorfor jeg ble katolikk, Genesis Forlag, Oslo, 2002; German edition, Love Story: So wurde ich katolisch, preface by Joseph cardinal Ratzinger, St. Ulrich Verlag, Augsburg, 2003; Spanish edition, El amor escondido. La busqueda del sentido de la vida, preface by Covadonga O’Shea; Belacqua, Barcelona, 2002, Quand raison et foi se rencontrent, preface by Michel Camdessus, Presses de la renaissance, Paris, 2003; Inno Love Story, preface by Krysztof Zanussi, W drodze, Poznan, 2003, Italian edition La scelta dell’amore, preface by card. Ratzinger, Mondadori, 2004, and Hungarian edition forthcoming in November, 2004, Helikon Publishing House, Budapest; Slovene edition, December 2005; Il Tempo della Fioritura. Su un nuovo femminismo, Mondadori, Milano, series “Leonardo”, 1999, published in Spanish by RIALP, Madrid, 2000, as El tiempo de las mujeres. Notas sobre un nuevo feminismo, and in Polish by W drodze as Nowy feminizm. Kobieta i świat wartości, and in 2001 in Norwegian as På kvinners premisser, Lunde Forlag; and in German, as Blutezeit. Wandel der Feminismus, Sant Ulrichs Verlag, Ausgburg. Forthcoming in Hungarian and Portuguese in 2002. Portuguese edition 2003, Hungarian edition 2002; Undset: Realism for unrealistic times, Crisis, USA, October 2000; Maternità, figli e servizio alla società, I figli: Famiglia e società nel nuovo millennio, Conference Proceedings, Pontifical Council for the Family, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001; Motherhood, Work and Politics, Familia et Vita, Vatican City State, given at ‘L’Europa per la vita’ Congress, Granada, 7-9 April 2000; “Kristendemokratiet på norsk”, report from a commission on ideology in the Norwegian Christian-democratic party, 1999; Det mellommenneskelige i storpolitikken, Det verdifulle, Oslo, Verdikommisjonen, 1999; Celebrating the UN Universal declaration: Family Rights and Family Policies, Familia et vita, Pontificium consilium pro familia, Vatican City State, anno IV, no. 1, 1999; Valores, política y sociedad civil, Sociedad civil. La democracia y su destino, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1999; Solidarity and human community,Centesimus annus. Assessment and Perspectives for the Future of Catholic Social Doctrine, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1998; “Kvinner og arbeid: Pavens radikale lære”, og “Evangeliet som utenrikspolitikk”, ERGO, 3, 1997; Conditions for Motherhood in Europe, Familia et Vita, no. 2, 1997, Pontificium consilium pro familia, Vatican City State; The Family under Siege: The Western Political Process and the Example of the Beijing Conference, Anthropotes: Rivista di studi sulla persona e la famiglia, no. 1, 1996, Roma; La famiglia e lo stato, L’Osservatore Romano, 12.4.96.

Professional Address

University of Oslo
Department of Political Science
P.O. Box 1097 Blindern
N-0317 Oslo

A Return to Multipolarity and Realpolitik? Human Rights under Pressure (PDF) 2012

Comment (PDF) 2010

What’s in a Name? The Right to Life and the Right to Form a Family: Human Rights in the Political Process (PDF) 2009

Humanitarian Intervention and the ‘Responsibility to Protect’: Rhetorical Exercises without Implementation? (PDF) 2009

The Great Human Rights Spectacle: On Politicized Law and Juridified Politics in Europe (PDF) 2005