Deceased Academicians
Most important awards, prizes and academies
Dr. Honoris Causa: University of Linz and of Vienna; Counsellor of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; Member of the Catholic Academy of Vienna; Member of the Catholic Social Academy of Austria; Austrian Cross of Honour of Science and Art; German Cross of Merits.
Summary of scientific research
The main topics of scientific research and teaching can be summarised on two levels. First: Catholic social doctrine: this research was started studying the origins of the Papal social encyclicals in the Vatican archives publishing for the first time the history of Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno. The book Katholische Soziallehre (1992) contains the full text of the social encyclicals together with a commentary. Besides this scientific research the same Catholic social doctrine has been taught for 25 years at the Pontifical University Gregoriana, Rome. Second: The relation between the Church and modern society. This research has been based upon a scientific study of the religious beliefs of industrial workers and has been enlarged into a general theory of the relation between religion and industrial and post-industrial societies.
Main publications
Staatsbildung und Finanzentwicklung, in:Philosophie und Grenzwissen schaften, VIII, Innsbruck 1954, Rauch, 144 S.; Katholische Soziallehre und modernes Apostolat, Innsbruck 1956, Tyrolia, 186 S.; Seelsorge, Volk und Staat, Innsbruck 1958, Tyrolia, 59 S.; Kirche und industrielle Gesellschaft, Wien 1960, Herder, 174 S.; Nachtgedanken der Politiker, Manager und Prälaten, Innsbruck 1961, Tyrolia, 196 S.; Röntgenbild der industriellen Gesellschaft, Wien 1962, Verlag. d. Oesterr. Gewerkschaftsbundes, 58 S.; Die soziale Botschaft der Kirche von Leo XIII. bis Johannes XXIII, Innsbruck 1963, Tyrolia, 351 S.; La chiesa e la società industriale, Roma 1963, Ed. Paoline, 293 S.; In Sorge um Entwicklung und Erieden. Kommentar zur Enzyklika Sollicitudo rei socialis, Johannes Pauls II., Wien 1988, Europaverlag, 192 S.; Unterwegs mit den Menschen. Kommentar zur Enzyklika Centesimus annus, Johannes Pauls II., Wien 1991, Europaverlag, 193 S.; Zeitgerecht-zeitbedingt. Nell-Breuning und die Sozialenzyklika Quadragesimo anno nach dem Vatikanischen Geheimarchiv, Bornheim 1994, Ketteler Verlag, 148 S.