Deceased Academicians

Krzysztof Skubiszewski


Krzysztof Skubiszewski

Date of birth 08 October 1926

Place Poland (Europe)

Nomination 08 October 2002 - 08 February 2010

Title Fmr Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs

Place and date of death † 08 February 2010

  • Biography

Polish politician, former Minister of Foreign Affairs (1989-1993) and established scholar in the field of international law. He served in the cabinets of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, Jan Olszewski and Hanna Suchocka and was the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Third Republic of Poland.

An acclaimed international lawyer, he served as the President of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal from 16 February 1994 until his death. He was awarded the Order of the White Eagle, Poland's highest state decoration. 

Human Rights, Genocide and the International Criminal Court (PDF) 2009

Solidarity, Cooperation and Development – An Outline (PDF) 2008

Legal Regulation of the Use of Force by States (PDF) 2007

Comments: Human Dignity in the Social Doctrine of the Church and the Context (PDF) 2005