How can a Universal Right to Freedom of Religion be Understood in the Light of Manifest Differences Among Religions, Cultures, Nations, Schools of Interpretation, Formulations of Rights, and Modes of Implementing Them? (PDF) 2011
Deceased Academicians
Most important awards, prizes and academies
Dr. Honoris Causa: Catholic University of Louvain, Universities of Athens, Wrozlaw, Szeged, and the Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot/Israel; Fellow of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften; Academia Europaea; Pontificia Academia Scientiarum Socialium.
Summary of scientific research
After a doctoral thesis on constitutional law (1952), I gained practical experience in different fields of constitutional and administrative law. During this time I prepared a habilitation thesis on the relationship between social policy and constitutional law, which qualified me for a professorship in state theory and public law (1962). I became a professor at the University of Saarbrücken (1963). Then, for ten years, my research work broadly covered subjects of constitutional law, administrative law, economic law and law of the welfare state. Some time after being appointed professor at the University of Munich (1971), the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft saw the need to complete its group of institutes devoted to law, which then numbered five, by founding an institute of the international and comparative law of social services and benefits. The Gesell schaft asked me to set up this Max-Planck-Institut für internationales und ausländisches Sozialrecht in Munich (1976). During the following years I was professor at the University of Munich and director of this institute. From 1990 to 1996 I was President of the Max-Planck-Gesell schaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften. This office gave me pivotal responsibility for research policy and management. My research interests thus also focused on these issues. Now I am again working in the fields of constitutional law and social law (law of the welfare state, law of social protection).
Main publications
Publications dating from 1954 to the present number more than 300. It is therefore difficult to list them, so I will mention the main topics and important examples of publications covering them: Constitutional law: Freiheitliche Demokratie, München/Wien 1969; together with other authors: Die Verfassung des Freistaates Bayern, 2. Aufl., München 1964 e.s.; Constitution of the welfare state: Freiheit und Gleichheit in der Wohlfahrts - pflege, Köln/Berlin/Bonn/München 1964; Sozialpolitik und Men schenrechte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, München/Wien 1968; Staat und Gewerkschaften, Karlsruhe 1977; Sozialpolitik und Verfassung im ersten Jahrzehnt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Berlin 1980;Grundlagen der Sozialpolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Baden-Baden 2001; Law and policy of social services and benefits, comparative and international law of social services and benefits: Das Sozialgesetzbuch, Percha 1976 e.s.; Internationales und Europäisches Sozialrecht, Percha 1976; Einführung in das Sozialrecht der Bundes republik Deutschland, 3. Aufl. Heidelberg 1985; Abhandlungen zum Sozialrecht, Heidelberg 1993; Abhandlungen zum Sozialrecht II, Heidelberg 2008; Social Policy in the Federal Republic of Germany. The constitution of the Social. Translated from the German by Thomas Dunlap. ISBN 978-3-642-22524-6, ISBN 978-3-642-22525-3, Springer Heidelberg, New York. Dordrecht London 2013, pp. 442; Law and economy: Rapport sur le Droit Economique en République Fédérale d'Allemagne, Séries Concurrence - Rapprochement de Législation, 20, Bruxelles 1973; Law and research: Forschung, Gesellschaft und Gemeinwesen, Heidelberg 1993.