The Challenge of Poverty
Workshop | 31 October - 1 November 2016
Introduction Achieving the three core goals of sustainable development—eliminating poverty, ending exclusion, and protecting creation—demands the application of universal ethical ... Read all
Inclusive Solidarity and Integration of Marginalized People
Workshop | 28-29 October 2016
The squalor that comes from many tragic events and cases of destitution leads us to consider carefully the notion of “social inclusion” and to identify it with the litmus test of ... Read all
Judges’ Summit on Human Trafficking and Organized Crime
Workshop | 3-4 June 2016
As Isaiah prophesised long ago, “Peace is the fruit of justice” (cf. Is 32:17). The main task that human society has given its judges since the beginning of time is to establish ... Read all
Centesimus Annus 25 Years Later
Workshop | 15-16 April 2016
Everyone knew that Pope John Paul II would issue a social encyclical in 1991 to mark the 100th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum novarum, but expectations were low. The Pope had ... Read all
Reaffirming Global Solidarity, Restoring Humanity
Workshop | 22 February 2016
"To all those who live in lands where weapons impose terror and destruction, I assure you of my personal closeness and that of the whole Church, whose mission is to bring ... Read all