Session I
„Caritas Est“ und die Liebestätigkeit der Kirche
Msgr. Paul Josef Cordes
Charity and Justice in the Relations Among People and Nations: The Encyclical ‘Deus Caritas Est’ of Pope Benedict XVI
Msgr. Joseph A. Di Noia
Comment: Justice and Charity in the Social Teaching of the Church
Archbishop Roland Minnerath | PASS Academician
Comment: Gedanken zur Enzyklika Papst Benedikt XVI. „Deus Caritas Est“
Herbert Schambeck | PASS Academician
Session II
International Society and the Idea of Justice
Prof. Philip Allott
Comment: Integrating Global Entirety by Integrating Diversity
Hans F. Zacher | PASS Academician
Global Justice in Potency?
Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo | PASS Chancellor
Session III
International Justice and the Role of Charities and Civil Society, with Special Reference to the Role of the Catholic Church
Prof. Giorgio Vittadini
Margaret Archer | PASS Academician
Charity and Justice in the Relations Among Nations: The Role of Civil Society Focused on the Church
Mina Ramirez | PASS Academician
Session IV - Solidarity and Justice in the Pursuit of the Millennium Goals: Is Global Partnership Possible?
Fairness in International Investments and Financing
Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista | PASS Academician
Hans Tietmeyer | PASS Academician
José T. Raga | PASS Academician
Les conditions d’un investissement international juste, facteur de développement et de progrès social
Mr. François Perigot
Session V - Round Table
International Justice and Aid. Do We Need Some Scheme of Redistribution of Income at the World Level along the Lines of What Most Countries have at the National Level?
Dr. Jean-Pierre Landau
Justice, Aid and Poverty: A Short Survey of the Literature
Edmond Malinvaud | PASS Academician
International Justice and Aid. Do We Need Some Scheme of Redistribution of Income at the World Level along the Lines of What Most Countries have at the National Level?
Joseph E. Stiglitz | PASS Academician
Session VI
Current International Trends and World Peace
Dr. Henry Kissinger
Dr. José Miguel Insulza
En la misma barca
Belisario Betancur | PASS Academician
Session VII
Solidaridad, Justicia y Cooperación Global: una Mirada desde América Latina y el Caribe
Dr. José Miguel Insulza
Vittorio Possenti | PASS Academician
Legal Regulation of the Use of Force by States
Krzysztof Skubiszewski | PASS Academician
Session VIII - Round Table
Interreligious Dialogue and World Peace
Cardinal Walter Kasper
Secularism, Faith and Freedom
Most Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams
Interreligious Peacemaking in the Middle
Dr. David Rosen
Dialogue Interreligieux et Paix Mondiale
H.B. Msgr. Antonios Naguib
La coexistence islamo-chrétienne au Liban, facteur de paix ou de discorde?
Cardinal Pierre Sfeir Nasrallah
Session IX
Giustizia Internazionale e Governance Internazionale nel Contesto della Crisi del Multilateralismo
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
Comment: International Justice and International Governance in the Context of the Crisis of Multilateralism
Mary Ann Glendon | PASS President
Session X
International Justice, Water and Respect for Creation
Dr. Jacques Diouf
Partha S. Dasgupta | PASS Academician
Hsin-chi Kuan | PASS Academician
Session XI
Facing Globalization International Migration, the Human Faces of Globalization: Immigrant Families and the Education of Immigrant Youth
Marcelo Suárez-Orozco
Comment: The Access of Immigrants and Their Families to a Decent Standard of Living and to the Public Goods: An Issue of Citizenship
Pierpaolo Donati | PASS Academician
Rocco Buttiglione | PASS Academician
Bonds Across Borders: Migrant Families in a Global World
Prof. Maurizio Ambrosini
Session XII - Round Table
International Justice and Poverty. Are the Millennium Goals Enough to Free the Poorest from Poverty? The Millennium Goals and the Role of the Family
Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli | PASS Academician
Ending Poverty through the UN Millennium Development Goals: Some Reflections
Wilfrido V. Villacorta | PASS Academician
Les objectifs du millénaire en matière de développement
Louis Sabourin | PASS Academician
L’économie de l’ombre, obstacle à la charité et à la justice entre nations
H.E. Amb. Pierre Morel
Reflections and Actions Concerning a Globalized Education
Antonio M. Battro | PAS Academician
Africa and the Millennium Development Goals
Paulus M. Zulu | PASS Academician
Conclusions and Bases for the Agenda
Juan J. Llach | PASS Academician