Casina Pio IV
00120 Vatican City

Main appointments held: Professor of Cinema, Photography and Television at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO; Adjunct Professor for the chair of Audiovisual Production: Production Planning, Languages and Distribution Channels and member of the Steering Committee of the Master’s Degree in Film and Television Production Management, Master’s in Media Entertainment, LUISS Business School. Msgr. Viganò is a member of the Congregation for Catholic Education; Director of the Experimental Center of Cinematography, with responsibilities in the Italian National Film Archive and in Publishing (2008-12); Member of the Subcommittee for the recognition of Cultural Interest of the Directorate General for Cinema, Ministry for Cultural Heritage (2006-11); President of the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo (FEdS) and Director of the Rivista del Cinematografo (2004-13); Director of the Vatican Television Center (2013-15); Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See (2015-18); Councillor of the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See (2018-19). Participation in international conferences and seminars
Webinar organized by Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Italian-Germanic Historical Institute, for the series Stories under construction. New horizons of contemporary history, paper on Media in Church History. Cinema and the Popes (6 October 2020); University of Bologna, DAMS Degree Course. Online seminar on Rieducating one’s gaze. From Wim Wender’s “Angels” to “Pope Francis”, an event promoted by Associazione APUN (9 October 2020); New York, USA, 134th International Conference of the American Historical Association. Paper on The Vatican Film Library from Pius XII to John XXIII (3-6 January 2020); Havana, Cuba, 40th International Festival of the Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano. Meeting on Cinema and Church on the occasion of the international presentation of the movie entitled Pope Francis. A Man of His Words by Wim Wenders (9 December 2018); Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil. Paper on Cinema and the meaning of life (6 September 2018); Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Centro de Estudos do Sumaré, III Seminário de Comunicação. God lives in the city. The Church’s outreach to communicate it. Paper No. 1, The legacy of Inter mirifica. Paper No. 2, Jesus in films (13 September 2016); Madrid, Spain, Foro de la Nueva Comunicación. Paper on Communications in the Holy See (11 November 2016); Buenos Aires, Pontifical Universidad Católica Argentina – UCA. Paper on The paradigm of Pope Francis’ communication (13 February 2015). Awards: Domenico Meccoli Award for “Writing about cinema” (1997); Special Biagio Agnes Award; International Information Award (2013), Lifetime Achievement Award at the X Popoli e Religioni Film Festival (2014); Eutelsat TV Awards 2015; Special Innovation Award for the Vatican Television Center (2015); Boniface VIII International Award For a culture of peace (2019); Knight of the Order of Scanderbeg (2017) and Commander of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem (2009).
Summary of scientific research
Msgr. Viganò’s research focuses in particular on the analysis of the relationship between the media and the Catholic world with an approach that integrates semiotics, audience studies, historical perspectives and ethics of communication. In this context, since the nineties, he has focused specifically on the study of Catholic policies on cinema and television with monographic studies and by promoting research on these issues.
Main publications
Lo sguardo: porta del cuore. Il neorealismo tra memoria e attualità (Effatà 2021); Testimoni e influencer. Chiesa e autorità al tempo dei social (Dehoniane 2020); Il Cinema dei Papi. Produrre, distribuire (Morcelliana 2019); Fratelli e sorelle, buonasera. Papa Francesco e la comunicazione (Carocci 2016); Conectados y solitarios. A qué renunciamos en la vida online (Romana Editorial, 2019, traduzione in spagnolo del libro Connessi e solitari, Dehoniane 2017); Etica del cinema (Editrice La Scuola 2013); I film studies (Carocci 2013 con De Blasio); Telecamere su San Pietro. I trent’anni del Centro Televisivo Vaticano (Vita e Pensiero 2013); Il Vaticano II e la comunicazione. Una rinnovata storia tra Vangelo e società (Paoline 2013); Commentario ai documenti del Vaticano II. 1. Sacrosanctum concilium. Inter mirifica (Dehoniane 2015); Dizionario della comunicazione (Carocci 2009); Attraverso lo schermo. Cinema e cultura cattolica in Italia, 3 Volumi (con R. Eugeni, Ente dello Spettacolo 2006).