Digital media, while presenting themselves as more or less innocent instruments of entertainment, actually move enormous and complex economic, political and geopolitical, cognitive, anthropological and social transformations. Three aspects of this complex and changing ecosystem are addressed: its foundation on the new business models of data capitalism; its developments with regard to new concepts and new practices of communication; and finally some possible lines of proaction and design that take place within it. In this perspective the first area concerns the political, economic and legal structural interventions entrusted to governments and other national and supranational policy-making bodies. The second area of intervention and commitment concerns the culture of communication that we intend to live and make live. The third area of active presence in the contemporary media ecosystem is that of contemporary religious and spiritual experience.
Proceedings of the Workshop
Changing Media in a Changing World
10-12 May 2021
D.E. Viganò, S. Zamagni, M. Sánchez Sorondo (eds)
Studia Selecta 7
Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Vatican City, 2022
pp. 214
ISBN 978-88-266-0748-1