Opening Address
Oscar Andrés Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga
Word of Welcome
Werner Arber | PAS President
Word of Welcome
Margaret Archer | PASS President
I. The Broader Context
Human-Nature Co-Evolution
Werner Arber | PAS President
The Emergence of Humans: Brains (Bodies and Hands), Mind and Soul
Yves Coppens | PAS Academician
The New Era of Human-Nature Interactions
II. Fundamental Drivers of Food, Health, and Energy Needs
Impediments to Sustainable Development: Externalities in Human-Nature Exchanges
Partha S. Dasgupta | PASS Academician
Population et Nature: Antagonisme ou Concordance? People and Nature: Antagonism or Concordance?
Gérard-François Dumont | PASS Academician
Food Demand, Natural Resources, and Nature
Joachim von Braun | PAS Academician
Sustainable Development Goals for a New Era
Jeffrey Sachs
III. Anthropocene: Global Climate Change
Food Production in the Anthropocene
Paul J. Crutzen | PAS Academician
Climate-System Tipping Points and Extreme Weather Events
Hans Joachim "John" Schellnhuber | PAS Academician
An Oceanographic Perspective
Walter H. Munk
IV. Competing Demands on Nature as a Source
Can We “Save” the Ocean?
Nancy Knowlton
Tropical Forests, For Richer and For Poorer
Jeffrey R. Vincent
The Promise of Mega-Cities: Moving from Despair to Hope
Janice E. Perlman
V. Competing Demands on the Cryosphere
Glaciers as Source of Water: The Himalaya
Anil V. Kulkarni
The Polar Regions
Peter Wadhams
VI. Competing Demands on the Biosphere
Green Fields: Feeding the Hungry, Raising the Poor and Protecting Nature in Africa
Robert E. Scholes
Stability of Coastal Zones
Marcia K. McNutt
VII. Society's Response to Current Unsustainable Growth
Why Have Climate Negotiations Proved So Disappointing?
Scott Barrett
Towards an Inclusive “Green Economy”: Rethinking Ethics and Economy in the Age of the Anthropocene
Achim Steiner
The Two Worlds Approach for Mitigating Air Pollution and Climate Change
V. (Ram) Ramanathan | PAS Academician
Mainstreaming the Values of Nature for People into Decision-Making
Gretchen Daily
Energy for Sustainable and Equitable Development
Daniel M. Kammen
Global Knowledge Action Network
Charles F. Kennel
Valuing Nature: Getting the Trade-offs Right
Karl-Goran Maler and Charles Perrings
Sustainable Transformation of Human Society in Asia
Yuan Tseh Lee | PAS Academician
VIII. Social Infrastructure
The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers our Future
Joseph E. Stiglitz | PASS Academician
Humanity’s Responsibility Toward Creation – An Ethical and Anthropological Challenge
Archbishop Roland Minnerath | PASS Academician
Nature and the Law: The Global Commons and the Common Concern of Humankind
Edith Brown Weiss
IX. Social Inclusion
Towards a Social Balance of the Current Globalization
Juan J. Llach | PASS Academician
Sustainable Education: Uruguay’s Plan Ceibal
Antonio M. Battro | PAS Academician
Being Trafficked to Work: How Can Human Trafficking Be Made Unsustainable?
Margaret Archer | PASS President
Labour Precarity, Social Exclusion and People’s Economy
Juan Grabois
The Influence of Virtuous Human Life in Sustaining Nature
Stefano Zamagni | PASS Academician
Social Inclusion in Governance and Peace-Building in Asia
Wilfrido V. Villacorta | PASS Academician
Intergenerational Solidarity: Old and New Scenarios, Challenges and Prospects
Pierpaolo Donati | PASS Academician
X. Closing Session: Motivating Societies
What Role for Scientists?
Naomi Oreskes
Existential Risks
Martin J. Rees | PAS Academician
Humanity’s Responsibility Toward Nature
Enrico Berti | PAS Academician
Special Session for the 20th Anniversary of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
The History of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Herbert Schambeck | PASS Academician