The Social Doctrine of Benedict XVI in ‘Caritas in Veritate’
Cardinal Peter K. Turkson
I. Where Do We Stand? The Impact of the Crisis on Persons and Institutions
General Overview of the Magnitude of the Crisis. The Global Components
José T. Raga | PASS Academician
Jörg Guido Hülsmann
The Current Crisis: Consequences of Neglecting the Four Key Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine
Margaret Archer | PASS Academician
The Crisis of the ‘World System’ and the Need for a Civil Society
Pierpaolo Donati | PASS Academician
The Process of ‘Creative Destruction’ and Subsidiarity: A Response to Professors Archer and Donati
F. Russell Hittinger | PASS Academician
La crisis financiera mundial: causas y consecuencias. La dimension moral
Belisario Betancur | PASS Academician
The Impact of the Global Recession on Developing Countries
Paulus M. Zulu | PASS Academician
Comment: Where Do We Stand? The Impact of the Crisis on Persons and Institutions
Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista | PASS Academician
Financial Crises and the World’s Poor
Partha S. Dasgupta | PASS Academician
Regulation, Regulators, Controllers and Governments
Angelika Nussberger | PASS Academician
Janne Haaland Matlary | PASS Academician
II. How Did We Get to this Point? The Decisive Contributing Factors
Réflexions à propos des effets de la crise économique mondiale sur les entités étatiques et les populations
Louis Sabourin | PASS Academician
Comment: Reflection on Modernity and Relationality
Sr Helen Alford
Lessons from the Crisis
Hans-Werner Sinn
The Proximate and Remote Causes of a Crisis Foretold: A View from Social Catholic Thought
Stefano Zamagni
Comment: ‘Good Life’ in Economy and Finance or the Rebirth of the Ethics of Virtues
Mario Toso
The Recession and the Family
Kevin Ryan | PASS Academician
Business Leadership sine specie aeternitatis: Irresponsibility in a Global Space
Lubomír Mlcoch | PASS Academician
What to Do Next? A Response to Kevin Ryan
Michael Novak
Reply to Lubomír Mlcoch
Michael Novak
III. How Do We “Replan The Journey”
What Kind of Regulation?
Hans Tietmeyer | PASS Academician
Is the Global Authority a Feasible Solution?
Herbert Schambeck | PASS Academician
Rocco Buttiglione | PASS Academician
The Crisis and its Aftermath from the Point of View of the Developing Countries
Juan J. Llach | PASS Academician
The Governance of Globalization: Global Political Authority, Solidarity and Subsidiarity
Vittorio Possenti | PASS Academician
Hsin-chi Kuan | PASS Academician
Hans F. Zacher | PASS Academician
Panel on Financial Matters
The Role of Macro-Prudential Oversight and Monetary Policy in Preventing Financial Instability
Lucas Papademos
How Do We "Replan the Journey"?
Mario Draghi
Aspetti finanziari della crisi e prospettive
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi
Personnes et familles dans un contexte d’incertitude
Archbishop Roland Minnerath | PASS Academician
Ethics and Economics, or How Much Egoism Does Modern Capitalism Need? Machiavelli’s, Mandeville’s, and Malthus’s New Insight and its Challenge
Vittorio Hösle | PASS Academician
Commentary on the Papers: Personal and Family Decisions in a Scenario of Uncertainty and Ethics and Economics: New Considerations for Entrepreneurs
Mina Ramirez | PASS Academician
Panel on the Production Sector
The Production Sector
Peter Harry Carstensen
Agricolture, Food and Nutrition – Responding to the Crises
Joachim von Braun
Automobile Sector
Luca Cordero di Montezemolo
Family Business in Germany
Patrick Adenauer
The Role of the Social Sciences and Higher Education in the Current Economic Crisis
Mary Ann Glendon | PASS President