
Catholic Social Doctrine and Human Rights

Fifteenth Plenary Session, 1-5 May 2009
Acta 15, eds R. Minnerath, O. Fumagalli Carulli and V. Possenti
Vatican City, 2010
pp. 629
ISBN 978-88-86726-25-2


The Catholic Church and Human Rights

La doctrine sociale de l’Eglise et les droits subjectifs de la personne

Archbishop Roland Minnerath | PASS Academician


Michel Schooyans | PASS Academician

The Influence of Catholic Social Doctrine on Human Rights

Mary Ann Glendon | PASS President

Die Menschenrechte in der Lehre der Katholischen Kirche

Herbert Schambeck | PASS Academician

Rethinking Human Rights in the 21st Century

Antropologia cristiana e diritti umani. Diritti e doveri

Vittorio Possenti | PASS Academician

Comment: Christian Anthropology and the Effectiveness of Human Rights of an Economic Content

José T. Raga | PASS Academician

I diritti umani come latenza di tutti gli altri diritti

Pierpaolo Donati | PASS Academician

From the 1948 Universal Declaration to the Last Generation Rights. How do Human Rights of the First, Second and Third Generations Interrelate?

Paul Kirchhof | PASS Academician

The Right to Education Across Generations

Juan J. Llach | PASS Academician

Brief Notes on the Universal Declaration and the Generations of Human Rights

Fausto Pocar

The Indivisibility of Rights of the Human Person

Wilfrido V. Villacorta | PASS Academician

Human Rights and the Christian Vision of Man: Life and Family, Freedom of Conscience and Religion, International Justice

What’s in a Name? The Right to Life and the Right to Form a Family: Human Rights in the Political Process

Janne Haaland Matlary | PASS Academician

Comment: Pushing Back Against the Age

Kevin Ryan | PASS Academician

Libertad de conciencia y de religión como derechos humanos fundamentales

Olegario González de Cardedal

Freedom of Conscience and Religion as Fundamental Human Rights. Their Importance for Interreligious Dialogue

Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli | PASS Academician

Freedom of Conscience and Religion as Fundamental Human Rights. A Commentary

Rocco Buttiglione | PASS Academician

The Right to Food

Olivier de Schutter


Joseph E. Stiglitz | PASS Academician

Human Rights and Globalization: The Responsibility of States and of Private Actors

Joseph E. Stiglitz | PASS Academician


Lubomír Mlcoch | PASS Academician

Assuring and Implementing the Universality, Indivisibility and Interdependence of Human Rights

The Universality, Indivisibility and Interdependence of Human Rights: The Case of China

Hsin-chi Kuan | PASS Academician

Attacking Poverty: What is the Value Added of a Human Rights Approach?

Ravi Kanbur

Comment: Human Rights and Economic Development

Partha S. Dasgupta | PASS Academician

Human Rights, Genocide and the International Criminal Court

Krzysztof Skubiszewski | PASS Academician


Otto Triffterer


Humanitarian Intervention and the ‘Responsibility to Protect’: Rhetorical Exercises without Implementation?

Janne Haaland Matlary | PASS Academician

Staatliche Souveränität und humanitäre Intervention

Angelika Nussberger | PASS Academician

Commentaire sur la responsabilité de protéger

Louis Sabourin | PASS Academician

The Quest for Protection: The Role of International Organizations and NGOs in Surveying Human Rights Compliance

Christian Strohal

Il ruolo della politica nel garantire il rispetto dei diritti umani tra distensione e scontro. L’esperienza di uno statista europeo

On. Giulio Andreotti

The Academy’s Alerts on the Weaknesses of Globalization and the Present Crisis

Juan J. Llach | PASS Academician

The SDC and Poorest Countries' Viewpoint

Oscar Andrés Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga

Globalisation and the Present Crisis

Hans Tietmeyer | PASS Academician

Contribution to the panel

Joseph E. Stiglitz | PASS Academician

Contribution to the panel

Wilfrido V. Villacorta | PASS Academician