Ethics in Action Overview
The Ethics in Action initiative starts from the premise that the grave and urgent challenges of sustainable and integral human development are profoundly moral, requiring not only technical solutions but the actualization of universal ethical principles such as human dignity, social justice, the common good, and shared well-being. Accordingly, Ethics in Action seeks to convene a select group of religious leaders, theologians, academics, business and labor leaders, development practitioners, and activists to identify the values and ethics needed to advance concrete actions in response to these challenges. Ethics in Action will be guided by a core team of participants, supplemented by invited experts for each particular topic. The group will convene 8-10 times over a two-year period.
Alpbach Meeting
Ethics in Action will hold its fourth meeting on August 21-22 in Alpbach, Austria and will collaborate with the European Forum Alpbach. The theme of this meeting will be corporate power and impunity—how a combination of globalization and profit-centered ideology allows powerful multinational companies to eschew responsibility toward the common good and impose externalities on stakeholders (consumers, suppliers, communities). The main aim is to understand how to induce corporate responsibility among powerful international companies. The core group of Ethics in Action participants, plus some additional experts on this particular topic, will be invited.
Collaboration with European Forum Alpbach
The European Forum Alpbach is a non-profit based in Austria, founded in 1945. It describes itself in the following terms:
"The European Forum Alpbach (EFA) is an interdisciplinary platform for science, politics, business and culture. Established in 1945, the annual European Forum Alpbach and our events throughout the year address the relevant socio-political questions of our time. We connect international decision- makers from all sectors of society with
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Ethics in Action Overview
The Ethics in Action initiative starts from the premise that the grave and urgent challenges of sustainable and integral human development are profoundly moral, requiring not only technical solutions but the actualization of universal ethical principles such as human dignity, social justice, the common good, and shared well-being. Accordingly, Ethics in Action seeks to convene a select group of religious leaders, theologians, academics, business and labor leaders, development practitioners, and activists to identify the values and ethics needed to advance concrete actions in response to these challenges. Ethics in Action will be guided by a core team of participants, supplemented by invited experts for each particular topic. The group will convene 8-10 times over a two-year period.
Alpbach Meeting
Ethics in Action will hold its fourth meeting on August 21-22 in Alpbach, Austria and will collaborate with the European Forum Alpbach. The theme of this meeting will be corporate power and impunity—how a combination of globalization and profit-centered ideology allows powerful multinational companies to eschew responsibility toward the common good and impose externalities on stakeholders (consumers, suppliers, communities). The main aim is to understand how to induce corporate responsibility among powerful international companies. The core group of Ethics in Action participants, plus some additional experts on this particular topic, will be invited.
Collaboration with European Forum Alpbach
The European Forum Alpbach is a non-profit based in Austria, founded in 1945. It describes itself in the following terms:
"The European Forum Alpbach (EFA) is an interdisciplinary platform for science, politics, business and culture. Established in 1945, the annual European Forum Alpbach and our events throughout the year address the relevant socio-political questions of our time. We connect international decision- makers from all sectors of society with an interested audience and committed young people. Our goal is to create a dialogue across the generational, ideological and other lines that divide us”
Each year since 1945, this group has hosted a multi-week conference in the Tyrolean mountain village of Alpbach. The Forum’s umbrella topic for 2017 is “Conflict and Cooperation.”
As part of our collaboration with the Forum, Ethics in Action has agreed to hold two plenary sessions, one at the end of each day. The first plenary (21 August) will be on the responsibility of religion for sustainable development, while the second (22 August) will address corporate ethical action for the common good. All participants in Ethics in Action are invited to these plenaries. Also, a number of Ethics in Action members have been invited to participate in a Sunday evening (20 August) event entitled “Storytelling: From Conflict to Cooperation.”
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