Deceased Academicians

Serguei Averintsev


Serguei Averintsev

Date of birth 10 December 1937

Place Moscow, Russia (Europe)

Nomination 19 January 1994

Field Philology

Title Professor

Place and date of death Vienna, Austria † 21 February 2004

  • Biography
  • Publications

Most important awards, prizes and academy memberships
Honorary Doctorate of Ecclesiastical Studies awarded by the Pontificial Oriental Institute, Rome (1992); Russian State Prize for Letters (1991); Triumph” Prize (1992); Leopold Lukas Prize (1995); Member of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, of the Aca­demia Europaea and of the Académie Universelle des Cultures.

Summary of scientific research
The main line of research is connected with the relevance of Christian ideas in the different epochs of early Byzantine and Russian literature, which implies special interest in inter­relations between Christian ideas and the more formal aspects of literary creativity, that is to say, in reality to be found on the frontiers of theological and formal analysis. Some special studies are devoted to the history of biographical literature, to the influence of the rhetorical patterns of the European literary traditions, and to the cultural problems of Russia.

Main publications
More than 500 publications from 1961 to 1994, mostly in Russian. Books: Plutarch of Chaironeia and the Classical Biography, Moscow 1973, Russia; The Foundations of the Early Byzantine literature, Moscow 1977, Russia; Religion and Literature, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1981; From the Shores of Bosphorus to the Shores of Euphrates, Moscow 1987, Russia; L’anima e lo specchio: L’universo della poetica bizantina, Il Mulino, Milan 1988; Na skrzyzovaniu tradycji (skice o literaturze i kulturze wczesnobizantyjskiej), Warsaw 1988; Cose attuali, cose eterne. La Russia d’oggi e la cultura europea, «Quaderni de l’Altra Europa», Milan 1989; Atene e Gerusalemme. Contrapposizione e incontro di due principi creativi, Donzelli, Rome 1994. Articles: The Idea of Holy Russia, in «Russia and Europe», London 1991; La vocazione della filosofia e unità della Chiesa, in «Cristianesimo e cultura in Europa. Memoria, coscienza, progetto. Atti del Simposio presinodale», Vatican City 1992.